For those who don’t know you, who are you and what do you do?
For those who don’t know me, my name is Madi. I’m twenty years old and I currently work as a full-time barista in Sydney.
What’s your favourite ORB scent? How does it make you feel?
My current favourite is River by Orb Oils (think everything shower topped with cedarwood). River makes me feel like I’ve just completed my to-do list, done three loads of washing and started cooking pasta with a wine in hand. But it also makes me feel like I’m on the way to date night dumplings in Newtown. When I’m wearing River, I’m confident to leave the house bare-faced knowing that I feel fresh and put together.
What's your first fragrance memory?
When I was seven or eight, one of my friends brought this Hello Kitty perfume to school. It quickly became a communal fragrance. My friends would pass it around at recess and lunch to re-apply. It was a fun introduction to the world of fragrance- but it wasn’t until much later that I started to experiment more.
Do you have anything exciting in the works?
There are a few exciting things lined up for the next few months! I have a trip to New Zealand around the corner that I’m stoked for! I’ll also be starting a course in interior design which has been a pipe dream for a few years. Finally, I’m exploring some exciting work opportunities in new creative spaces. Watch this space - there’s a lot happening!

What are you reading at the moment?
My current read is a re-read- Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. The way Murakami creates characters is magic, her’s is a world I will escape to again and again.
Find Madi on IG